Stimulating competitive
research through
support & partnerships

 NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research

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Upcoming Events & Deadlines:

  • NASA WV EPSCoR to host Mentor Development Workshop

    When: Friday, October 18th, 2024. 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

    Where: West Virginia University, Lyon Tower G08, Morgantown, WV

    NSF-funded LSAMP MarSci-LACE has created the Mentor Development Workshop (MDW) a workshop that interactively engages potential research mentors through the following five training modules: Introduction to Mentoring, Psychosocial Factors of Research Experiences, Ally Skills, Culturally Responsive Mentoring and Mentor Plan Development.  

    These MDW training modules provide an overview of mentorship, emphasizing the mutual learning opportunities for both the mentor and the mentee, and provide effective mentorship strategies and approaches, with a focus on broadening participation in research. Workshop participants will receive tools and resources for use in their mentorship practice.  

    Mentors of every level will find value in participating and participation is open to faculty in ALL fields. Workshop is free and includes lunch.

    For more details on the curriculum, visit

    Space is limited, registration is required. 

    To register, please access this link:

  • STaR Division

    STaR Division: Science, Technology & Research at the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission offers grant opportunities for scientific research and science education through the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and the Research Challenge Fund.

    In addition, STaR Division coordinates various federal agency grant programs for research infrastructure in West Virginia. All of the division’s grant programs are competitive, with awards based on scientific merit, peer review and potential for development.

    If you would like to receive a weekly email about federal grant opportunities, click here. To access our archive of Requests for Proposals, click here


    Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program that focuses on addressing systemic barriers within the nation’s research enterprise by improving research support and service capacity. It is a whole-of-NSF approach that will transform NSF and the science and engineering community to develop the collective knowledge, skills, talents and desire to serve within the nation’s science and engineering enterprise.

    The West Virginia GRANTED project will hold regional meetings prior to a statewide convening in May. We will bring together STEM grant administration personnel and faculty from colleges in the region to identify barriers to proposal submission and post-award grant administration. Registration for the Statewide Meeting happening May 15-16 at Stonewall Resort is now available here. The Western Meeting will be held on March 28 and the Southern Meeting will be March 27. More information to come on those soon.  

    To Register and view meeting agendas, click here!